Fall Planting and Cover Crops for Texas Wildlife

As the temperatures drop, fall planting becomes an important task for Texas landowners aiming to support wildlife. Establishing food plots and cover crops during this season provides a crucial food source and protection from the elements, ensuring that wildlife thrives through the winter.

The Benefits of Fall Planting for Wildlife

Fall-planted crops offer a sustainable food source for wildlife when other resources are scarce. By planting during this season, you attract deer, turkey, and other game to your land, giving them access to nutrient-dense food that boosts their health and survival.

Cover Crops

Best Crops to Plant in the Fall

For Texas landowners, oats and ryegrass are the two most familiar seeds for fall planting. These crops grow quickly and are ideal for cooler temperatures, providing reliable forage for deer and other wildlife. In addition to these staples, Morales Feed & Supply offers specialty seeds like radishes, turnips, clovers, peas, and vetch. These diverse options provide a variety of nutrients that will enhance the health of the wildlife on your property.

Maintaining your pasture or cropland takes a lot of work. There are various products we carry that can get you the best return from your pasture.

Call or visit the store today for a consultation!

No-Till Planting and Fertilization Services

To make your fall planting easier, Morales Feed & Supply offers a no-till drill rental for planting. This equipment allows you to plant efficiently without the need to till the soil, preserving its structure. We also provide fertilizer options, including synthetic blends and organic chicken litter. For those needing assistance, we offer spreading services through our base in Devine, TX, including a spreader truck to distribute fertilizer and seed. For DIY enthusiasts, we have pull-behind spreaders available for rent. While our spreading services are centered in Devine due to equipment availability, all seeds can be accessed at our Freer, TX location.

Fall planting is a crucial step in maintaining a healthy wildlife habitat in Texas. By utilizing the right seeds and services from Morales Feed & Supply, you can ensure your land supports wildlife through the colder months. Whether you’re planting oats, ryegrass, or specialty crops, our no-till drill and fertilization options will help you get the job done efficiently and effectively.

We specialize in delivery of Bulk Feed, Bagged Feed, and Forage (hay) for Livestock and Wildlife.
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The Importance of Feeding Protein to Deer and Wildlife in Texas

In Texas, providing proper nutrition to deer and other wildlife is crucial, especially during the hot summer months when natural forage is limited. One of the most effective ways to ensure a healthy deer population is by supplementing their diet with protein. This not only helps maintain body weight but also supports antler growth in bucks. In regions like Texas, supplemental feeding with protein feed blocks or pellets can make a significant difference in wildlife health, particularly during droughts or other stressful periods.

The Stuff You Need, Where You Need It

Let us bring the store to you! Morales Feed & Supply is proud to offer delivery service to our local area for our products. Our delivery team takes good care to ensure products are delivered according to your wishes.

The Role of Protein in Wildlife Nutrition

White-tailed deer are ruminants, much like cattle, but their dietary needs are different. They primarily consume forbs, browse, and some grass species, meaning their diet needs to be rich in protein to meet their energy and growth requirements. While native forages like forbs and browse supply some of this protein, they often fall short, especially during critical times such as late summer or droughts. Feeding deer supplemental protein through products like protein pellets or blocks ensures they receive the necessary nutrients when natural sources are scarce​.

The Benefits of Gravity Feeders

To optimize protein feeding, many landowners in Texas use gravity feeders, which allow deer to access protein feed at their own pace. Unlike mechanical feeders, gravity feeders ensure a consistent flow of feed without startling wildlife. Gravity feeders can be an especially useful tool during periods when native vegetation is insufficient to meet deer nutritional needs​. These feeders also help minimize competition among deer and other wildlife for limited food resources, promoting overall herd health​.

The Impact of Supplemental Feeding

Research shows that supplementing deer diets with protein improves not only body condition but also antler size in bucks. A study conducted in South Texas found that supplemental feeding can increase deer body mass and enhance antler growth, particularly in areas with frequent droughts​. However, it’s important to balance supplemental feeding with proper habitat management to avoid creating an overpopulation of deer that could negatively affect the environment.

Feeding protein to deer and wildlife in Texas is a highly effective way to promote a thriving ecosystem. By making protein feed a regular part of your wildlife management plan and using tools like gravity feeders, you’ll ensure that your deer herd remains healthy and productive year after year.

Supplemental Feeding: Best Practices for Supporting Local Wildlife

Supplemental feeding helps wildlife survive during tough seasons, especially winter when natural food sources are scarce. Proper feeding supports their health and helps maintain balanced ecosystems.

RELATED READING :: The Importance of Feeding Protein to Deer and Wildlife in Texas

Best Feeding Practices

  1. Winter Feeding
    • Why It’s Important: Natural food is often hard to find. Providing extra feed helps wildlife survive and stay healthy.
    • What to Use: High-energy foods like corn and nuts.
  2. Spring and Summer Feeding
    • Why It’s Important: Wildlife are more active and may need additional nutrition for growth and reproduction.
    • What to Use: Protein-rich foods like seeds and fruits.
  3. Fall Feeding
    • Why It’s Important: Helps animals prepare for winter by building up fat reserves.
    • What to Use: High-calorie foods like grains and tubers.

We specialize in delivery of Bulk Feed, Bagged Feed, and Forage (hay) for Livestock and Wildlife.

Bulk Feed: We can fill feeders as well as bulk bins with feed and grain.

Bagged Feed: We have the ability to deliver 1 – 18 pallets with our flatbed and forklift. Our flatbed makes it possible to put multiple orders for different customers on the same delivery truck enabling us to take care of wide range of customers.

Hay: Our focus is mainly on coastal and Alfalfa, but in the summers we have sorghum/sudan, and in the fall we typically have peanut hay as well.

Morales Feed can unload and stack the hay in your barn, hay lot or wherever you desire!

Safe and Effective Supplemental Feeding Methods

  1. Feeding Stations
    • Setup: Use feeders that keep food clean and accessible. Place them in areas where wildlife are comfortable.
    • Cleaning: Regularly clean feeders to prevent disease spread.
  2. Feeding Amounts
    • How Much: Provide enough food without overfeeding. Too much food can attract unwanted pests and disrupt natural feeding habits.
  3. Avoid Human Foods
    • Why: Human foods can be harmful to wildlife and lead to health problems.

Challenges to Watch Out For

  1. Disease Risk
    • What to Watch: Overcrowded feeding areas can spread diseases. Monitor and clean feeding sites regularly.
  2. Pest Problems
    • What to Watch: Improperly managed feed can attract pests. Use feeders that minimize spillage and clean up regularly.
  3. Impact on Natural Behavior
    • What to Watch: Supplemental feeding should not replace natural foraging. Aim to support, not fully depend on, feeding.

Benefits of Proper Wildlife Feeding

  1. Health
    • Supports Survival: Helps animals get through tough seasons and stay healthy.
  2. Ecosystem Balance
    • Promotes Stability: Healthy wildlife contribute to a balanced ecosystem.
  3. Wildlife Observation
    • Increases Opportunities: Proper feeding can enhance wildlife watching experiences.

Supporting local wildlife through proper seasonal supplemental feeding practices is important for their health and the environment. Following these best practices ensures you’re helping wildlife effectively and responsibly. For more tips on wildlife feeding, visit our wildlife feeding resources.

Choosing the Right Feed for Your Livestock

Choosing the right feed for your livestock is crucial for your livestock’s health and productivity. Different animals need different nutrients, and the right feed can make a big difference in their well-being and performance.

Types of Feed For Your Livestock

  1. Grain-Based Feed
    • Benefits: Provides energy and is easy for animals to digest. Good for finishing cattle and high-performance horses.
    • Examples: Corn, oats, and barley.
  2. Forage
    • Benefits: Supplies essential fiber for digestion and can be more natural for animals. Ideal for grazing animals like cattle and sheep.
    • Examples: Hay, silage, and pasture grass.
  3. Complete Feeds
    • Benefits: Contains all the nutrients your livestock needs in one product. Convenient and ensures balanced nutrition.
    • Examples: Pelleted feeds and mixed feeds.

Key Nutrients

  1. Protein
    • Importance: Helps with growth and repair of tissues. Essential for young and lactating animals.
    • Sources: Soybean meal, alfalfa, and canola meal.
  2. Vitamins and Minerals
    • Importance: Supports overall health, immunity, and reproduction.
    • Sources: Commercial vitamin and mineral supplements, or specially formulated feeds.
  3. Fiber
    • Importance: Aids digestion and prevents digestive problems.
    • Sources: Hay, straw, and silage.

Tips for Selecting Quality Feed

  1. Check Labels
    • What to Look For: Ensure the feed meets the nutritional needs of feed for your livestock. Look for clear ingredient lists and guaranteed analysis.
  2. Buy from Reputable Sources
    • Why It Matters: Trusted brands and suppliers ensure high-quality and safe feed.
  3. Store Feed Properly
    • How to Store: Keep feed in a dry, cool place to prevent mold and spoilage.

Benefits of Proper Feed Selection

  1. Health
    • Better Nutrition: Leads to healthier animals with fewer health issues.
  2. Productivity
    • Improved Performance: Ensures animals grow well and produce efficiently.
  3. Cost Efficiency
    • Reduced Waste: Proper feed management minimizes waste and saves money.

Choosing the right feed for your livestock is essential for their health and productivity. Understanding different types of feed, key nutrients, and how to select quality products can make a big difference. For more advice on livestock feed, check out our livestock feed resources.

Guide to Hay and Bedding for Your Livestock

Why It Matters

Hay and bedding are crucial for your livestock’s health and comfort. Good hay provides necessary nutrients, and quality bedding keeps their living area clean and cozy. Understanding these basics can improve your animals’ well-being and performance.

Choosing the Right Hay

  1. Types of Hay
  • Alfalfa Hay: Great for young animals and lactating females because it’s high in protein and calcium. Also good for horses with high energy needs.
  • Timothy Hay: A balanced choice for adult animals. Provides fiber and nutrients. Commonly used for horses and small pets like rabbits.
  • Prairie Hay: Good for cattle and sheep. It’s high in fiber but has less protein compared to alfalfa. Often a more affordable option.
  1. Quality Indicators
  • Freshness: Look for green, fresh-smelling hay. Avoid brown or musty hay.
  • Texture: Good hay should be soft and flexible, without mold or dust.
  • Storage: Store hay in a dry place with good airflow to keep it fresh and prevent mold.

Understanding Bedding Options

  1. Types of Bedding
  • Straw: Absorbent and provides good insulation. Best for colder weather. Common for cattle and horses.
  • Shavings: Absorbent and easy to clean. Ideal for horses and small animals.
  • Sawdust: Great for absorbing moisture and controlling odors. Often used with other bedding.
  1. Choosing Bedding
  • Absorbency: Choose bedding that absorbs moisture well to keep the area dry and comfortable.
  • Comfort: Bedding should be soft to prevent injuries. Deep bedding can also help with joint health in horses.
  • Ease of Cleaning: Pick bedding that’s easy to clean and replace to maintain a hygienic space.

Tips for Managing Hay and Bedding

  1. Storage Tips
  • Hay Storage: Keep hay off the ground and covered to protect it from rain and moisture. Use tarps or barns.
  • Bedding Storage: Store bedding in a dry, clean place. Keep it off the ground to avoid moisture.
  1. Feeding Hay
  • Feeding Equipment: Use feeders to reduce waste and keep hay clean. Helps manage how much each animal eats.
  • Monitor Intake: Adjust the amount of hay based on the size and needs of your animals to avoid waste and ensure they get enough.
  1. Bedding Maintenance
  • Regular Cleaning: Frequently remove dirty bedding and replace it with fresh. This keeps the area clean and reduces bacteria.
  • Inspection: Check for mold or dampness in the bedding and fix any issues right away.

Benefits of Proper Hay and Bedding

  1. Health and Comfort
  • Good Hay: Supports digestion and prevents problems like colic in horses. Helps young animals grow.
  • Quality Bedding: Reduces the risk of injuries and provides comfort, which is important for their well-being.
  1. Economic Efficiency
  • Reduced Waste: Proper use of hay and bedding cuts down on waste and saves money, giving you more value.
  1. Hygiene and Cleanliness
  • Clean Living Spaces: Good bedding keeps the area clean and lowers the risk of diseases.

Selecting the right hay and bedding is vital for your livestock’s health and comfort. Knowing how to choose and manage these can greatly improve your animals’ quality of life. For more tips on livestock care, visit our livestock care resources.